Out and About

I can't believe we have been in Germany for a few weeks now. We are starting to pick up a few words and phrases and we are learning to figure out the public transportation system. I've been doing lots of research for our upcoming trip to Italy. I can't wait to share that with all of you! We will be going to Florence, Rome, and Venice. Are any of these cities on your bucket list? Below are some pictures from around the city. We take Tex pretty much everywhere because dogs are welcome at almost any place in the city (besides grocery stores and bakeries). Tex found a stick on our walk! I can't believe he is a German hund (that's German for dog!) Our Sunday walks look (and feel) a little different these days compared to Arizona! St. Luke's Church is very close to where we live. I haven't been inside but I think the outside is beautiful. Below is a video of the bells of the church ringing at noon. Everything is SO green here! Th...